Museum events can be diverse and challenging!
It might be the official launch of a new exhibit or a new walk-through public attraction. It could be an awards night, a small staff party, or something bigger.
And the museum’s designated space might have no installed equipment at all. Or perhaps you already have a sound and lighting rig that needs added extras to give it that wow factor.
Make TSS your go-to hire resource.
From adding some extra radio mics or a smoke machine to a complete sound or lighting rig, here at TSS we have frontline experience in the events industry to ensure a successful result for you.
Our hire stock includes:
And we even have some hiring options too:
You collect from us and return to us.
We’ll deliver the equipment and collect it again after your event.
We’ll deliver the equipment and will stay to set it up, making sure you’re happy with how it all works before leaving it with you. Once again, we’ll come and collect after your event.
This service includes equipment delivery, setup, and operation during your event.
Let us do it all! We’ll work with you to deliver all technical aspects of your production – sound, lighting, video, staging and sets.
What’s a typical day in your current role at TSS? Not sure there has ever been a typical day in the events industry that’s why we all love it! A typical office day would be getting to the office, job 1 is always get the kettle on, then check on the email inbox to see […]